Thursday 25 July 2013

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Best ways to Stop Spam Comments in Blogger?

By: Unknown On: 06:24
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    Blog commenting, no doubt, is one of the best ways to build links for our blog.And due to this reason, many newbie bloggers, who have no proper knowledge of blog commenting, start adding links in their comment body and leave low quality or spam comments on our blog. 

    These type of activities on our blog not only harass us but also consume our precious time to delete those unwanted comments.
    I would like to convey a message to all newbies that adding links in comment body is not a good idea.
    If you are curious to build backlinks for your blog via blog commenting, then you must leave your valuable comments on CommentLuv and KeywordLuv enabled blogs.
    If you are really keen to build genuine and dofollow backlinks, then instead of leaving spam comments, try to invest your time and energy in writing posts for guest blogging. Check below guide to learn about guest blogging and its benefits.

    Now, let’s back to the topic. We were discussing about preventing blog from spam comments.
    When we talk about preventing blog from unwanted comments, the first thing comes in our mind is 

    We can set our comments on moderation before they start appearing on our posts. But moderation is not actually the best option. Why?
    Our blog commenting system should be easy and clean. I saw many blogs using captchas and moderation in their comments to stop spamming that makes commenting system weirder to use.
    Our readers give their time to comment on our posts, so we must provide them easy to use commenting system that looks clean also.
    This is a fact that our readers interact with us mostly on new posts as compare to old posts. That’s why I am using moderation only on older posts but not on my newer posts.

    Doing this helps me in many ways like:
    1. Stop spam comments from auto publish.
    2. Only quality comments get approval.
    3. New posts are free from moderation that improves reader’s engagement on my blog.
    4. Newly published posts get maximum comments as clean and easy to use commenting system.
    5. Comments on new blog posts get published instantly that makes readers more active on my blog.
    6. I keep checking my new posts to reply the comments and if I found any spam comment, I remove it instantly with single click.
    Do you want to use same technique on your blog? It’s too easy. Just follow below steps to make your blogger blog free from spam comments.

    Prevent Spam Commenting In Blogger

    1. Navigate to you Blogger blog > Settings > Posts and comments.
    2. In Comment Moderation settings under Comments section, choose Sometimes.
    3. Enter number of days in the text field. Like if you want to set moderation on posts which are older than 1 day, then type 1.
      You can choose number of days according to your choice.
    4. Now click on Save Settings button from the top right corner.

    CONGRATULATION: You are done!

    These were the three easy steps to make your blog clean from spam comments. Now you can approve those comments which you found valuable for your blog and for readers as well.


    Conclusion of this post is that always ignore doing spam commenting on other’s blog. It’s of no use.
    Leave valuable comments on other’s blog under your niche and build better relations with influential bloggers.
    If they like your comment on their blog, then they will also leave valuable comments and feedback on your posts.
    And you know what valuable comments on our blog posts can increase their ranking in search results.
    I hope this post would be worth reading for blogger users. Friends please give your valuable feedback about this post and don’t forget to show your love by sharing it. Thanks!


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